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By using Apple Watch after a week, what changes does it take to you?
编译 2015-07-25 14:44:31 cathy1
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趋势网(微博微信)讯:Apple Watch is putting on sales on April 24, now has been a week.Most people are totally getting used to it.Does there have any changes when you replaced the normal watch to the Apple watch?

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(1) We often put the iphone in bags,and we also feel inconvenient when we put it in our pockets,sometimes we even can't find where the iphone is.

Without any settings, Apple watch can rapidly convey the iphone'sinformation to your Apple watch.When messages are coming,the Apple watch will vibrate,thus you can only lift your wrist, and you will know theinforamtions through one second. This is faster than iphone,so,many people form a habit to use the Apple watch check messages.

Perhaps iphone can still put in the pocket ,,but the iphone 6 plus is too big to put into it,so they change to put it in the bag.If there is a phone call,they can easily pick up the call by using the bluetooth earphone.

(2) We can set the notifications'switch, and there are many notifications are setting to the off.

The App's notification in the Apple watch can be freely setting up.The APP,such as the Tumblr、Echofon always conveyconstantly notices,but we set it off. Too much notifications will make the Apple watch continully vibrate and consume the electricity .At the same time,the notifcation will convey to the iphoneafter setting off.

Many people just turn the News,traffic information,weather and messages on, anothers will all setting off.

(3)The declining of the iphone's electricity consumption.

About the electricity consumption of the iphone ,there are two differences.Some peple think,turn on the bluetooth will consume the electricity, while other peole think,with using the Apple watch ,the consumption of the iphone's battery will decline.

Many people said that,although using the Apple watch will turn on the bluetooth, the iphone's using times will decline.Except for turning on the bluetooth,the Apple watchcan barely consume the electricity,so the iphone's electricity consumption will decline.

(4)Be reasonable using the tomato working method.

The tomato working method is simple and practicable way to manage time.By choosing one unfinished mission ,and set the tomato time in 25mins,then focus on your mission,during this time you can't do anyhing that have no relation with your mission,till the tomato times up,you can have a rest for 5mins.

Apple watch can use the tomatio working method more convenient.Setting 25mins in the Apple watch,till it rings,you get 5mins to have a break. It is easy to operate and you can use this method to study in anytime and anywhere you want.

(5)Be urging to fininsh the "circle"

Apple watch through circle graph to show the standard of people's Activity、Exercise and Stand. Many people want to finish these standards and the circle.

Many people said,looking there circles constantly grow,they have an inside thought to make these there circles overlapped. This thought maybe is "impetus"、"stubborn"or "eccentricity",but the feelingthat people want to reach the goal is apparently enhanced.

What is said above are the changes after some people using the Apple watch,what changes does it take to you?

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