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Bringing Lebanons fashion industry online 转摘 2013-05-17 12:15:29 20100100079
九号公司就无法核销发说明 长沙南站一学生安检时砸伤民警 反诈老陈称当年辞职太冲动 大学生300元抢6399元电车提车被拒 宁波顺其自然又捐款109万元 


Two years ago Louise Doumet was in New York.

A woman approached her and asked her where she had bought her top. The next day someone asked about her earrings.

The pieces were made by Lebanese designers and not available in the US.

This set Louise thinking - if there was interest, how could she create a business that would bring the best of Lebanese design to an international market?

"We started thinking that there might be a great interest in Lebanese designers on the international level," says Ms Doumet.

"A year later, we were online and two years later, here we are selling items to the US, to Russia, to the Middle East and, of course, to Lebanon."

The site is called Lebelik.com, which in Arabic means: "It suits you well."

First steps

Ecommerce in the country is still in the early stages, and consumers have yet to embrace online shopping in the same way they have in other countries.

In 2012, ecommerce sales grew to over $1 trillion worldwide, according to eMarketer. Of that the Middle East and Africa as a whole accounted for only 1.9% of the total.

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